5 Causes and Remedial Actions of Bad Breath

5 Causes and Remedial Actions of Bad Breath

Ever wondered why people maintain a distance from you while talking?

Have you ever felt a stale feeling in your mouth?

If yes, then chances of your suffering from Halitosis or more commonly known as bad breath are high.

But do not panic! You are not the odd one out! An overwhelming 35-45% of people suffer from Halitosis and in most of the cases people are clueless about the remedial actions!

If you are one of them, then read this article to know what exactly is causing your breath smell so foul and the remedial actions you can take to counter this!

1. When the mouth becomes dry

5 causes of bad breath and remedies

Saliva generally moistens and prevents the germ build up in the mouth. When the mouth becomes dry, lack or presence of less saliva cannot prevent the germ build up which results in bad smell. Dry mouth results from problems in salivary glands, empty stomach and excessive breathing through mouth.

Remedy: Carry a chewing gum/ mouth freshener or drink water in short interval to prevent drying of the mouth. You can also keep a piece of clove in a corner of your mouth. Apart from removing bad smell clove has multiple health benefits.

2. Improper brushing technique

5 causes and remedies of bad breath

Now before you say you brush regularly; let me tell you that most of us are ignorant about proper brushing methods, which leaves germs and food particles in the gum. So brush twice a day in the correct manner.

Remedy: Spend 2 minutes to get bacteria-free teeth. (Click here to learn from professionals)

 3. Dirty tongue results in foul smell


Do you clean your tongue every day? Have you noticed a whitish layer in your tongue? With over hundreds of different types of bacteria present in the tongue, it really makes no sense to let these grow every day.

But most of us are either ignorant about tongue cleaning or are too lazy to spent even 2 minutes cleaning this organ! But you cannot ignore the fact that a dirty tongue results in foul smell.

Remedy: Get a tongue cleaner or an oral brush with microfiber bristles and start cleaning it every day and see the difference!

4. Smoking

5 causes of bad breath

So you got one more reason to stop smoking! No matter what brand you take, you will always end up annoying people nearby you. Smoking really gives a bad and irritating smell.

Remedy: Stop Smoking! Now don’t give excuses.

5. Bacterial Infection

5 causes of bad breath and their remedies

Chances of Halitosis increases when you have infection in your mouth, nose or throat.

Remedy: Consult your doctor and take preventive measures to kill the infection.

Apart from these common causes, bad breathing can also be a signal of a serious health problem. Do not ignore this issue and consult a doctor if the problem persists.

Some additional tips

1. Gurgle every time you eat something. This is a very good practice to wash away tiny food particles that remain trapped in between the teeth.

2. Brush twice a day.

3. Drink green tea.

4. Drink plenty of water.

5. Chew cardamom seeds, piece of clove or a small piece of ginger.


1 Comment

  1. Even some ear nose throat infections causes foul smell from mouth, dental infections, eating food like garlic onion in excess, gastric problems do the same way…..

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