6 Good Ways to Start Your Day

6 Good Ways to Start Your Day

6 Great ways to start your day


You must have read the famous quote “Morning shows the day” but have you ever felt the same?

The quality of our day depends greatly on how we start our journey in the morning. And needless to say, a good morning routine can actually increase your productivity throughout the day.

1. Gratitude

The first thing you should do after you open your eyes in the morning is to feel grateful for this beautiful life.

Try this for a month every morning and see the results!

Results backed up by science have shown that gratitude plays a very vital role in bringing a positive shift in your consciousness thereby improving the quality of your life.

What to do: You do not need big reasons to feel grateful! Thank the universe or your God for the little things you have in your life – a good family, a cozy bed, a shelter, a decent job, running water, a few good friends and so on.

And if you are still finding it hard to count your blessings, feel grateful for the very fact that you are alive. Millions of people across the globe were not fortunate enough to see the morning today!

2. Drink 2 Glasses of Water

Water in the morning is good for the entire system as it helps in toxin excretion which in turn rejuvenates the body.  Soon after your gratitude session is over, drink 2 glasses of water (obviously after brushing your teeth).

Luke warm water is also good for constipation. After a glass of water, 1-2 pieces of garlic, 3-4 basal leaves can also be taken for additional health benefits.

3. Exercise

Morning workout has multiple benefits. Jog or walk for a few minutes, swim or do any cardio workout which makes you feel good, every morning. You can also do yoga and Pranayama to connect your body,mind and soul.

4. Meditate

Ahh! Meditating at the crack of the dawn is bliss! Soon after your workout is over, meditate for 15-20 minutes. If you can do this everyday, there will be no space for negative thoughts, depression, anxiety and stress. Your decision making ability will improve and you will feel more connected with your inner self.

If meditation is something alien to you, try these guided meditations to start with:

  1. Sun Meditation
  2. Aura Meditation
  3. Silence Meditation

Want to know more about meditation? Click here. You can also follow these tips to have a deeper experience of meditation .

5. Read a Chapter

During meditation, we transcend to the alpha state of mind. Any information, positive thoughts or motivational things we feed to the brain after a session of meditation digs deep in our consciousness.

So we recommend reading a good book (even for 15-20 minutes) soon after you get up from meditation.

6. Take Clean Breakfast

We are what we eat.  And this is why food controls our mind to a great extent!

All your efforts to start a good day will go in vain if you do not take in the right food at the right time.  Check out these Ayurvedic breakfast ideas  and stay energetic throughout the day.


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