Live a Life of Purpose

Live a Life of Purpose

Ever thought what separates ‘living’ a life from earning a living and passing life ?

Throughout my journey as a motivational speaker I have seen a lot of people struggling to understand the basic difference between these 3 modes of leading life.

To survive in this world and to ensure a secured life we have to earn our bread. Millions of people across the globe are programmed to follow this flowchart everyday – Waking up in the morning – rushing to office – working tirelessly throughout the whole day – coming back in the evening exhausted and drained out – watching television – eating some food and eventually going to sleep only to get up the next day to repeat the programmed routine.

While earning a living is very necessary to have a secured life but this cannot be the ultimate objective of our life.

Again you will find a lot of people who are somehow ‘passing their life’; by going through life as if it were a duty imposed on them, wasting time and wishing for the day to come to an end. A life led in this manner without any thrill or purpose is hardly of any use.

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Improve yourself everyday

And finally comes a rare group of souls who believe in living a life king size! What it implies is that living every day with energy, enthusiasm and passion. They have the maturity to understand that life is something more than getting trapped in small things; in fact it is all about finding a purpose which gives meaning to our lives.

Mere existing and adding to the population in numbers cannot justify our presence in this world. Even the insects and animals exist for the sake of existing; if we too follow the same principle what is the benefit of this human life then?

Living a life in the true sense of the term is thinking beyond the bare necessities of life. It is instead something extra which makes our life ‘extraordinary.’

Time for a sincere Self Evaluation

We cannot ignore the fact that life is getting tougher every day. Competition is increasingly making it difficult to make a place for one self. The rate of change is constantly accelerating. The aim here is not to survive somehow, but to live a life of abundance. And this is possible only when we start working on our present to ensure a better future. Go through the following points sincerely:

  • To have a good life, you need to have a purpose, giving your best shot and asking yourself everyday: ” What am I giving to this life?” instead of asking what life has given you.
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Set goals for yourself. An aimless man is like a radarless ship
  • You have to understand whether you have lived a day or passed it. You have to assess for how long during the day your mind was filled with negative emotions like tension, worries, anger, frustration, insecurity and unhappiness and what part of the day have you been filled with positive emotions like faith, esteem, energy, passion, enthusiasm and love.
  • Every day is an opportunity to do something good for the people around you and become a better version of yourself, and thus you have to avail this chance.
  • Living a day is a conscious choice and has to be exercised every moment being aware of our emotions and quickly escaping from negative emotions. By making efforts on our beliefs and actions we can jump to positive emotions.
  • And finally, the purpose of life is to live a life of purpose.

My Formula for a life of abundance

I am sharing a few simple hacks which keeps boosting my life on a regular basis. I feel alive every moment and I am sure these steps can bring a major positive shift in your life too. These are as follows:

  1. Smiling and spreading smiles at my workplace makes me optimistic every time. This also helps in making genuine friends.
  2. Carrying a sense of gratitude and having faith that God will fix everything eventually. Gratitude has done wonders in my life and it will do wonders in your life too if you practice gratitude sincerely .
  3. Acknowledging people for the special care and attention which I receive from them.
  4. Having the self belief that I am doing a good job and right now this is the best I can do. This process has always helped me to flush out stress.
  5. Staying away from toxic people and avoiding unnecessary gossips as they land me nowhere. You too should maintain a good distance from negativity.
  6. Following my passion and trying to excel in the activities I carry out.
  7. Taking a healthy break, enjoying the things I like and connecting to people I value in my place.
  8. Expanding my limits and competing with my old self rather than striving hard to prove myself to every random person in the society. This is very important. One of the major causes of stress is competing our life with others.

Over to You

Are you living or simply existing in this planet? Is there something inside you that pushes you to become a better version of yourself? Do you often ask yourself- “What is the purpose of my life?” If yes, you are on the right path. Keep trying. Someday you will definitely discover your true purpose.

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