Light the Lamp Within- A Journey To Self Empowerment

Light the Lamp Within- A Journey To Self Empowerment

Often in my self development and motivational seminars, I keep asking my audience – “ Whether you will go where life takes you ,or you will take your life, where you wish to take it.” The adults take time to respond but youth & children immediately say “Will take it, where I wish to take it.”

Working with them makes me happy and look for a better future, which they have in abundance. Contrary to it adults mostly have past and regrets which restricts their growth. However, giving a direction to life and setting goals will mean taking ownership of life, ownership of yourself , responsibility of your actions and subsequently for the results of these actions instead of placing onus on luck, circumstances or others.
It is like taking the journey of life with passion, energy and enthusiasm and utilizing every moment, every ounce of energy and investing these happily in pursuit of your life’s goals.

Let’s practice empowerment by following the  steps below. These will not only make you more confident but will also imbibe you with a sense of self pride

i) Take good care of yourself

A lot of people I meet in workshops take very less care of their own self.

Remember that your success is incomplete without your sound physical and mental well being. If you are mentally at peace and with a good health condition, nothing can let you down.

Again it is difficult to feel good about yourself if you hate your physique or constantly have low energy. A bad state of health will drain you into having inferiority complex. So love yourself! Take pride in who you are.

ii) Step beyond your comfort Zone

The best way to overcome your fear is to face it.

Always take the bull by its horns. Successful people are not afraid to try new things instead they jump into it make mistakes, stay resilient and finally triumph the challenge.

 Light the Lamp Within- A journey to self empowerment

If you do something that scares you every day you will emerge stronger and sharper. The limits are only in your head. Challenging your limits is more important than limiting your challenges.

So today, right after you finish reading this piece, GET OUT and do something that you always avoided due to fear and insecurity.

iii) Leverage your strengths

It simply means boosting the stronger areas of your personality. If you are good at something, sell it.

Rather than feeling negative about what you cannot do feel happy and elated about what you can do.

Always remember no one is perfect not even the person who is judging you is.

There are a plethora of things you can be awesome at like public speaking, cooking or marketing. Look at all areas of your life. This will help you believe in how good you are and increase your worth.

iv) Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

One of the most effective self-confidence building techniques that will immediately improve your confidence is to stop comparing yourself to others.

It is important to understand that everyone thinks, feels, learns and sees things differently.

Lighting the lamp within means, attaining your true potential. Potential as given in Chamber’s Dictionary means possibility of successful development. All of us have this possibility. However, we have to be exploring and finding it within ourselves.

Knowing these and developing these creates a lot of positive energy and enlightens us to work for and achieve all what we can in our life. This is what defines the message “Light the Lamp Within”.

The very purpose of this life is to enhance the level of our consciousness and attain maximum potential. For this, the very first thing we have to do is to go deep within and know our ‘Self”’. Knowing the self means knowing your core strengths, the areas of improvement, the competencies and constantly exploring and testing yourself in new areas to become aware of your capabilities which are not yet known to you.

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