How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

The explanatory images used in this post are taken from the book,  Handwriting Analysis : Putting It to Work for You by Andrea McNichol

Everywhere you look, you will find relationships. There are all kinds of relationships in this world, but perhaps the  most discussed yet least understood relation is the one that prevails between a couple; more specifically a husband and wife!

Why you may think! Or may be most of us don’t even think and just blindly follow what the society dictates. Marriage is a mutual agreement made by two consenting adults.

And what does consent mean?

Imagine, for instance, one fine day you will be told what you are going to eat, wear and do for the rest of your life.

Sounds scary? Well, it should be.

A Successful Marriage Needs Hard Work

Marriage is a tough business  – love or arranged. Marriage means to live with the same person faithfully,to share the ups and down of life and create lots of pleasant memories  together. And communication plays a major role here.

Unfortunately, due to a numerous reasons we are not always able to communicate our true feelings. These miscommunications eventually accumulate and burst into unwanted emotions. Evidently there have been many cases reported, about the effect of relationship trauma on the mind.

Many a times couples find a way to work things out. Again in many cases couples decide mutually to part ways. 

Fortunately, there is a solution. If you want to take your relationship at a higher level, you have to understand the subtle aspects of your partner’s personality. And the best tool to do this is-Graphology!

Graphology To The Rescue

Like marriage, Graphology is also a misunderstood subject in our country. Everyday we have to work together to manifest our own happiness. Graphology can help couples to know more about each other, share and discuss thoughts. Many times we are unable to find the exact cause of tension and end up blaming one another.

A proper handwriting analysis can reveal deep imprints of the subconscious mind which in turn can help in finding the deep rooted cause of misunderstandings.

Since it is a vast subject and it is not possible to discuss everything here, I have given a very brief explanation of various types of handwriting and signatures to give you an intuitive understanding of the topic. The following points will help you gain information about some untold aspects of your partner’s personality: 

1) The Felon’s Claw : It is one of the most delicious traits in Graphology! A felon claw is when you come from a straight down stroke and immediately go into a claw shape :

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

 This trait is seen over 80% of convicted felons. When making a claw shape, the writer is going underhand. Coming under, reversing the natural taught direction. The felon’s claw indicates a writer with subconscious guilt, bitterness and bad instincts.

The writer is extremely good at building relationships and can make you believe that he/she is the nicest person on earth. Only for you to realize, that you have been set up and stabbed in the back. Noticing this trait early on, can help you prevent a great deal of heartbreak. 

2) Signature & Writing Are the Same in Appearance: If the signature is the same as the rest of the writing – the size, style, slant, pressure and spacing – it indicates genuineness in the person’s character. These persons have the same private and public life. 

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

3) Signature slightly larger than the writing: A favorite among Graphologists. A person with healthy self-confidence in public, is expected to have a signature larger than the writing.

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

4) Signature much smaller than the writing:  What  attracts you the most about this image? The cute tiny signature trying to hide at the bottom? This is just a reflection of the writer, hiding in a corner waiting for attention. The writer is shy and likes being off by himself, still wanting attention by not being too obvious about it. 

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

5) Legible Writing with Illegible Signature: In this image we can clearly read what is written, but cannot understand a word of the signature. A combination we notice all around us. Just as the writing and the signature, the writer is willing to communicate his thoughts, but is trying very hard to hide who he truly is. 

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better

6) Illegible Writing with Illegible Signature : I bet you can easily analyze this handwriting! This is the writing and signature of Napoléon III, nephew of Napoléon Bonaparte. Clearly he is not communicating his thoughts or who he was as person. The writer is profoundly unhappy and wholly non-communicative. The illegibility of the writer clearly indicates a dysfunctional individual who is impractical and enjoys wasting time. 

How Graphology Can Help You To Understand Your Partner Better


        Graphology is not the answer, but it leads to you to the solution by helping to you figure out the problem. Small traits and habits ignored today, can be life-threatening in the future.

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