5 Ways To Handle Irritating In-Laws

5 Ways To Handle Irritating In-Laws

P.S: If you have got good, supportive and loving in laws, this post is not for you. And if otherwise, this post is definitely for you!We at goodlifepedia always believe in the philosophy of living under the same roof as a family and appreciate couples who live in harmony with their in laws. But then, this idea of togetherness dies a hundred deaths every day if you have to share the roof with nosy, dominating, offensive and irritating in laws. 

In-laws spice up our lives! But when they become too unwelcoming to handle, you need to start applying your witty brain and spruce some action. Confused?

Check out the funny and on-the-spot, tested and tried, versions that will help you handling your irritating in-laws today.

5 Ways To Handle Irritating In-Laws
OMG! She is coming!

1) If You Cannot Beat Them, Join Them!

Dealing with in-laws is a tricky job! Married couples, please pay attention. If you are a man, use your tactics and join the “enemies.” Buy them gifts, give them slightly more than asked, share gossips, etc.

However, if you are a woman, play the role of a nice daughter-in-law in front of your mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

They will keep wondering what went wrong. But you will secretly work your way out when you know how to be on their good books.

2) Keep Your Spouse In Loop

Well, hello! Isn’t marriage the ultimate partnership? Then you will have to nurture the bond with your better-half. No matter how many years have passed, communicate thoroughly with your partner.

If you are a woman and also a homemaker, grab the opportunity when your husband is in a good mood. You can even try communicating after a love-making session. Because immediately after that, a man wouldn’t be back to reality too soon.

Though, if you are a man—Oh, boy! You need to be careful. Yes, women do tend to be moody. Coming straight to the point might be offensive to your wife. So, drop slight hints & show her that something is upsetting you. Then take it slow and talk about the elephant in the room when your wife starts to worry.

3) Change The Topic!

This step works wonders for everyone. Use your presence of mind and strike the way out. Be the natural escapist generally, men are. Though women might find it difficult to leave the topic in the middle. But, you got to do what you got to do.

5 Ways To Handle Irritating In-Laws
Ouff this torture!

Simply speaking, let the nagging go by or change the topic. Whatever floats the boat for your in-laws, do that and divert their annoying attention. It is better to ignore an irritating in-law then to get involved in an emotional tussle.

4) Let The Comments Flow & Show Them You Know Better

Now, this step can be tricky and quite precarious. A slight word here and there can lead to serious arguments. So, you need to keep your voice humorous. If you are a man fighting to be in the good books of your in-laws, try out flirting with comments. A woman wouldn’t be expecting it; be it your mother-in-law or sister-in-law. That will shut her up instantly.

For the ladies fighting the same battle—prepare yourself to be compared with others. But don’t hesitate to prove your point. If the nagging doesn’t halt even then, up your game with coercive but funny remarks. You can also refer to the domestic laws and regulations made for daughters-in-law. If that gets your in-law’s eyes rolling, you have won the fight already. Congrats!

5) Tried Every Tom, Dick, And Harry Solution And Failed? It’s Time You Set Your Boundaries With The In-Laws

Ladies and gentlemen, this rule applies to everyone out there. If you are facing the decade-old drama at home with your in-laws, and have tried everything you could from pampering, gifting, to cracking silly jokes, then it’s time you break the nagging icicle or finally talk it out.

But before doing that, talk to your spouse and get his or her support. And then it’s time your in-laws understand the pain you have gone through. Be subtle, smart, and calm. Also, be to the point and state how you have felt disturbed. They might not like you at that moment. But remember, you will be there to educate them that it’s hurting you and you are not going to tolerate such behavior.

Over to you:

Comment below if you have an irritating in-law in your life. If you have an effective tactic of dealing with your in-laws, let us know! Who knows, your idea can bring peace in someone else’s life!


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