Things To Keep In Mind While Traveling Together Frequently As a Couple

Things To Keep In Mind While Traveling Together Frequently As a Couple

We are a progressive breed. We are excited about new things, adventures, people and always looking forward to change. We are travelers!

There was a time in India (may be a decade or two back) when couples traveling together seemed like an impractical concept. But thankfully, things have changed a lot in the last few years. Traveling together now is an option that is being explored by many young Indians.

Human beings are meant to roam, grow and discover new things. And is there a better way to do these other than traveling!

Traveling brings you insight, a greater knowledge of being. You become more self-aware, more mindful and thoughtful.

Things To Keep In Mind While Traveling Together Frequently As a Couple

There is however a huge difference between a tourist and a traveler. You are a tourist for a few days and then you go back to your daily routine. A traveler on the other hand is more an explorer who has introduced a big shift in his lifestyle to fit his travel schedule and the surrounding.

Now, couples who travel together, don’t necessarily have the same destiny. But what’s important is the journey. People have found and lost love during their travels. Some of us may find the love of our lives while traveling, some of us are already traveling with a partner.

What are the important aspects of traveling together as couples ?

Before choosing your travel mate or planning a trip together, it is important for you to know about these important aspects of traveling with your partner:

1. Space Balance

Couples who travel together, end up spending almost every waking hour together. You have to learn to adjust to each other’s flaws and also be there for one another.

Sometimes you’d want some space from your partner to gather your thoughts and absorb the traveling experiences. Unmarried couples face more hardship, as they are subjected to many invaders in their private lives.

Dividing time for activities you enjoy alone and those you enjoy together can make the journey smooth.

2. Sharing Expenses

To travel for longer period of time, one must either have savings, or some form of continuous cash flow to survive. Solo income can become a cause for misunderstandings and lead to unpleasant situations. Finding remote jobs or becoming a digital nomad is an everyday struggle.

You have to be constantly  on the lookout for jobs and cutting  down on luxury. Setting money aside for bills and payments and building a system around your income could be the smart way to go.

Share your chores instead of expecting someone to do it all alone. And most importantly, spend your money on travel.

3. Newly Traveling

A romantic get away with a mysterious stranger in a magical land, is a dream for every traveler.

It’s that phase of your travel where you have no commitments no responsibilities and you can enjoy your youth to the fullest. Many of us are lucky enough to spend the rest of our lives with our travel buddy.

Things To Keep In Mind While Traveling Together Frequently As a Couple

Traveling in your early twenties can bring a major shift in your life. You get to test your limits and know your worth. You refuse to settle for less…your goals and ambitions seem to take a turn. You find yourself being pulled into a world of acceptance and new beginnings.

4. Finding a house

While couples have been traveling in India, unmarried couples in particular find it extremely difficult to rent a place without going through interrogation on a daily basis.

Curious neighbors are hard to get away from. And daily interference can be annoying.

Since you are going to be spending a reasonable amount of time in a particular place, you might want to come to a middle ground with the locals. Sooner or later you do come across wonderful people who accept you for who you are.

The important thing is to not lose yourself. Traveling is the gate way to meet like minded people  and making your journey more comfortable and memorable.

5. Breaking-up and dealing with it

Break ups while traveling can take a toll on the mind. You may seem to lose interest in life  and rush straight home. Break ups can be ugly and aggressive and leave you devastated.

Things To Keep In Mind While Traveling Together Frequently As a Couple

It can either be breaking up with a long term partner or someone you met while traveling.

It is easier said than done, but you must remember to keep calm and refrain from taking impulsive decisions just after a break up. Remember you are in a foreign land, and very vulnerable. Trying to find friends or relatives living near by can let you grieve in safety and comfort. Take a few days off, rest and get good sleep.

Traveling is going to reach to the core of your being, whether you like it or not. Every emotion you feel will be of  great magnitude. You will be faced with tough situations, but you will also find the strength to cope up. Life is a great teacher, you know!

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