How to Convince a Friend Who Worries Too Much to Stop Worrying and Start Living

How to Convince a Friend Who Worries Too Much to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Life is too short to spend in worries and tensions! But hardly a few people know the art of living!

Do you have a friend who always worries about every little thing? Well people with generalized anxiety disorder are hard to manage.

Even though you try different tactics to reduce his anxiety, he will still discover newer ways to become stressful in the end.

You desperately want to help your friend but have no idea how to do this, right? And visiting a psychiatrist seems to be the only good option, isn’t it?

But let me tell you, there are some very effective ways you can implement to help your friend see the beauties of life.

Our society has brought us to the point where we think that everything has to be complicated. The reality is different. So, if you don’t know how to convince your best friend to stop worrying about trifles, this article is going to be of great help. Keep reading and discover how things don’t have to be as tricky as they seem.

1. Encourage your friend to write down his worries

One of the most efficient methods to vent negative emotions is to write them down. This exercise helps in releasing the negative toxins. Also, once he or she manages to note them down, your friend will realize that things are not as terrifying as they seem; the worries will start to lose their power. Thus, the intensity of thoughts’ loses its strength, and it won’t bother your friend for the rest of the day.

If you want to help your friend to stop worrying about trifles, you can give him a useful gift in this direction. For example, you can buy a small notebook to use for writing the minor stuffs down whenever they appear in his or her mind.

Stop Worrying and Start Living

2. Help your friend develop a self-monitoring routine

Normally, problems don’t disappear out of themselves. If you want to convince your friend about it, you should also accept this idea and believe in it. Your friend won’t need a psychologist to stop worrying about trifles if you can help him in creating a self-monitoring routine. The process is straightforward, and you can do it together a couple of times.

The first step would be to keep a notebook where your friend will write all his little worries. It doesn’t matter how small they are. All trifles should be in the diary. You can also create together a section called “things that X worries about” and visualize them whenever such thoughts appear in your friend’s mind.

Once you have finalized the list that contains your friend’s trifles, you should think of solutions for each of them. You can write the solution next to each thought to make sure that you don’t forget any idea. For example, if your friend is worried about his financial situation, you can work together on a plan for savings or increased earnings.

When the plan with solutions is ready, your friend should start executing them. In this phase, he or she will need you to encourage him or her and convince not to give up.

Finally, you should also accept that not your friend cannot have control over everything. So, he should understand that he or she won’t have a solution for everything. Thus, accepting the situation as it is will be the wisest thing to do.

3. Spirituality can interrupt the worry cycle

You know, when a man becomes spiritual, he stops fearing life. On the contrary, he begins to understand and appreciate life.

An efficient method is to keep your friend busy and keep him distracted from all the worries. And to distract him, you can invite your friend to yoga and meditation classes. Yoga will help your friend to have control over his mind and release any negative thoughts.

Meditation is also a great exercise to help your friend worry less. Take your friend to a meditation teacher and learn how to become engaged in the present. All these methods will help your friend leave the past behind, focus on the present, and stop worrying about the future.

You can also motivate your friend to join a self development program, (like the happiness program) near you.

4. Talk to your friend about his or her worries

Even though it might seem an easy and obvious solution, not everyone is open to talk about his or her fears. People are usually afraid of society’s judgment and criticism.

Thus it prevents them from talking openly with a friend about anything that bothers them. In case you see that your friend is struggling to open up, the best thing you can do is get closer to him or her and listen to his or her thoughts.

How to Convince a Friend Who Worries Too Much to Stop Worrying and Start Living

As long as you show your friend that you won’t judge or criticize him or her, your friend will gradually become more open to talking to you.

Also, you can establish a strong connection with your friend when you speak face to face with your friend. This solution will help in calming your friend and diffuse any anxiety from his or her mind. When the worries become too intense, talking about them with one of the best friends will make them seem less threatening.

In case your friend continues to build up his or her trifles, they will become overwhelming. So, if you care about him or her, you should become more preoccupied with what happens to him or her. You should never forget that human beings are social creatures.

Thus, you have the right power to build a robust support system for your friend and help him, forget about the trifles. Make your friend trust you and show him that you are always there for him.

Once your friend starts verbalizing his fears, he will feel light and immediately realize that he or she shouldn’t worry that much.


Staying close to your friend is very important when he or she is dealing with fears and excessive worries. Life is too short to worry about anything. Also, your friend should understand that he or she cannot control everything. Use the methods above to establish a stronger connection with your friend and help him leave unnecessary worries behind.

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